Friday, 29 January 2016

Noheji Midwinter Drink Rally 2016

Noheji Midwinter Drink Rally 2016
2016真冬のドリンクラリー (Mafuyu no Drink Rally)

Have a drink and hors d'oeuvre at 3 drinking establishments (2 pre-determined, 1 free choice) within the event time period to complete a stamp card for entry into a prize draw (32-cm TV, household electronics, gift sets, and more!).

Noheji Mafuyu Midwinter Drink Rally 2016 flyer front 野辺地町 平成28年 真冬ドリンクラリー チラシ表 Noheji Mafuyu Midwinter Drink Rally 2016 flyer back 野辺地町 平成28年 真冬ドリンクラリー チラシ裏

Noheji Railway Station Lantern Festival 2016

Noheji Railway Station Lantern Festival 2016
のへじ停車場ランタンまつり (Noheji Teishaba Lantern Matsuri)

A fun event where participants make snow lanterns and then light them all simultaneously.

Date: Saturday February 6, 2016
Time: 15:00-20:30
Location: Noheji Town Tourism & Local Products PR Center
野辺地町観光物産PRセンター (map)

Hachinohe Regional Traditional Performing Arts Performance

Hachinohe Regional Traditional Performing Arts Performance
地域伝統芸能発表会 (Chiiki Dentou Geinou Happyoukai)

Hachinohe Regional Traditional Performing Arts Performance 2016 poster chiiki dentou geinou happyoukai 八戸市 平成28年 地域伝統芸能発表会 ポスター

Hachinohe Performance Theater 2016

Hachinohe Performance Theater 2016
第10回八戸パフォーマンス劇場 (Hachinohe Performance Gekijou)

A performing arts event featuring yosakoi, hip hop, belly dance, and various musical performances.
Hachinohe Performance Theater 2016 poster  第10回八戸パフォーマンス劇場 ポスター

Hachinohe Fantasy 2016

Hachinohe Fantasy 2016 第55回八戸ファンタジィ

An event showcasing various Hachinohe performing arts (music, dance, etc.) groups.

Hachinohe Fantasy 2016 poster 第55回八戸ファンタジィ ポスター

Thursday, 28 January 2016

Okutsugaru Kite Flying Contest 2016

Okutsugaru Kite Flying Contest 2016
第5回奥津軽凧揚げ大会 (Okutsugaru Tako Age Taikai)

A great chance to see Tsugaru Kites and other Japanese kites in action!

2013 Okutsugaru Kite Flying Contest Image 第2回奥津軽凧揚げ大会写真

Shimokita Children's Traditional Performing Arts Performance 2016

Shimokita Children's Traditional Performing Arts Performance 2016
第31回下北地区子ども会 郷土芸能発表会 
(Shimokita Chiku Kodomo-kai Kyoudo Geinou Happyoukai)
Shimokita Children's Traditional Performing Arts Performance 2016 kyoudo geinou happyoukai flyer 平成28年 第31回下北地区子ども会 郷土芸能発表会 チラシ

Ohata & Yagen Snow Light

Snow Light 雪あかり (Yuki Akari)
Ohata & Yagen Snow Light Yuki Akari flyer 下北半島むつ市大畑町薬研温泉郷園地 雪あかり チラシ

Date: Saturday, February 20, 2016
Time: 15:00-20:00 (cancelled in the event of poor weather)
Locations: Former Ohata Station (Shimokita Kotsu Company Ohata Branch)  旧大畑駅(下北交通大畑出張所) (map) & Yagen Valley 薬研温泉郷園地周辺
Admission: Free

Venue 1: City & Sea Lights Zone (Former Ohata Station)
  • Ohata City & Sea Lights (16:00~)
    Over 400 candles and snow candles made by children in Ohata illuminate the former train station platform, ferry, &etc.
  • "Kiha" Diesel Train Car Light Up (16:00~)
  • "Kiha" Diesel Train Tea Party (15:00~17:00)
    Free matcha distributed inside the "Kiha" diesel train (first 100 people only).
  • Free "Kiha" Mini-Concert (17:00-18:30)
  • Winter "Pride of Ohata" Market (15:00-20:00)
  • Handmade Candle Workshop (15:00~)
    Ends when materials run out, materials fee charged
  • Winter Large Dragon & Skyrocket Fireworks (19:15~19:25)
Venue 2: Forest Lights Zone (Yagen Valley)
  • Yagen Forest Lights (16:00~)
    Snow candles illuminate the Yagen Park Grove area
  • Ushitora Coffee Shop @ Yagen Onsen (15:00~20:00)
  • Kamakura (snow hut) & "Forest" Snow Slide (may be cancelled if not enough snow)

Former Ohata Station (Shimokita Kotsu Company Ohata Branch)

Koshindo-60 (むつ市大畑町庚申堂60)
Ohatamachi, Mutsu, Aomori Prefecture 039-4401

(Please park at the Former Maeda Ohata Branch or Former Naritaya 旧マエダ大畑店・旧成田屋)

Yagen Valley (薬研温泉郷園地周辺)
Yagen Valley (むつ市大畑町薬研)
Ohatamachi, Mutsu, Aomori 039-4401

(Please park at the Ushiyu no Sato Parking Lot 丑湯の里駐車場)

More Information:
Gururin Shimokita (Japanese):
Yagen Valley 400th Anniversary Facebook Page (Japanese):

Monday, 25 January 2016

Warm Heart Aomori Exciting Winter Project 2015-16

Warm Heart Aomori Exciting Winter Project 2015-16
(Kokoro Attaka Aomori Fuyu Kandou Project)
Warm Heart Aomori Exciting Winter Project flyer front Kokoro Attaka Aomori Fuyu Kandou Project 青森市 平成27年度 こころ、あったか。あおもり冬感動プロジェクト チラシ表
Warm Heart Aomori Exciting Winter Project flyer back Kokoro Attaka Aomori Fuyu Kandou Project 青森市 平成27年度 こころ、あったか。あおもり冬感動プロジェクト チラシ裏

Date: December 4, 2015-February 7, 2016
Time: Various
Location: Aomori City, Various
Admission: Free (select paid events)

Aomori Light & Paper Pageant
あおもり灯りと紙のページェント (Aomori Akari to Kami no Pageant)
Dec 4, 2015-Feb 7, 2016, 16:00-21:00
Aomori Bay Area Walking Paths 青森ベイエリア遊歩道
Nebuta-style illuminated Japanese paper "snowmen"

One-Two Coin Taste of Aomori 
味見あおもり ワン・ツーコイン (Ajimi Aomori One Two Coin)
Dec 21, 2015-Feb 7, 2016 
Aomori Bay Area and Central Shopping Arcade ベイエリア・中心商店街
Enjoy 500yen or 1000yen special menu items at various establishments downtown Aomori.

Hakkoda Maru Illumination
Dec 31, 2015-Feb 7, 2016 16:00-21:00
Seikan Ferry Memorial Ship Hakkoda Maru 青函連絡船メモリアルシップ八甲田丸 (map)

Aomori Snow Light Festival
あおもり雪灯りまつり (Aomori Yuki Akari Matsuri)
January 29-31, 2016, 17:00-21:00
Nebuta no Ie Warasse West Plaza ねぶたの家ワ・ラッセ西の広場 (map)
Snow lamps illuminated with candles.

The Motsuke Festival & Winter Fireworks
ザ・もつけ祭り&冬花火 (Za Motsuke Matsuri & Fuyu Hanabi)
Feb 6, 2016, 17:30-19:00
Nebuta no Ie Warasse West Plaza ねぶたの家ワ・ラッセ西の広場 (map)
Motsuke* guys in fundoshi (loin clothes) carrying a Nebuta-style Mikoshi (portable shrine), competing in a tug-of-war, etc. Fireworks display as the grand finale.
(Motsuke means "a very enthusiastic person, or a person going nuts over something" in Tsugaru dialect)

Aomori Winter Festival
青森冬まつり (Aomori Fuyu Matsuri)
Feb 6-7, 2016, 9:00-15:00
Aoi Umi Park 青い海公園 (map)
Giant snow slide, fire-baked bread on sticks, stage shows, etc.

More Information: 
Aomori Unearthed Facebook Page (English):
Warm Heart Aomori Exciting Winter Project PDF Flyer (Japanese):

Friday, 22 January 2016

Hiranai Town Swan Festival 2016

Hiranai Town Swan Festival 2016
平内町白鳥まつり (Hiranai-machi Hakuchou Matsuri)
Hiranai Town Swan Festival 2016 flyer front Hiranai-machi Hakuchou Matsuri 平成28年平内町白鳥まつり チラシ表 Hiranai Town Swan Festival 2016 flyer back Hiranai-machi Hakuchou Matsuri 平成28年平内町白鳥まつり チラシ裏

Hiranai Town's (Whooper) Swans on Kominato and their Wintering Place (小湊のハクチョウおよびその渡来地 kominato no hakuchou oyobi sono toraichi) is a nationally designated Special Natural Monument (特別天然記念物 tokubetsu tennen kinnenbutsu). However, due concerns related to the outbreak of avian influenza, from 2008 people were asked to refrain from feeding and observing the swans, and overall local interest in and activities promoting the swans was greatly reduced. Now, 8 years since the last time the event was held, the Swan Festival has been revived as part of an effort to restore Hiranai's identity as "The Town of Swans" and to promote the Asadokoro Coast in particular and the Natsudomari Peninsula as a whole as a place of scenic beauty.

Date: January 23-24, 2016
Time: 9:00-16:00
Admission: Free
  • Main Venue: Former Asadokoro Elementary School, Hiranai Town  旧浅所小学校 (map)
  • Secondary Venue: Asadokoro Coast 浅所海岸 (map)
Main Venue Schedule:
  • "Town of Swans" Photograph Contest Exhibit
Saturday January 23
  • 9:00-9:25 Opening Ceremony
  • 9:30-12:30 RAB Karaoke Competition
    • 9:30-10:25 Preliminaries (30 contestants)
    • 10:30-10:45 Kasugai Ballet Dance Gallery Guest Performance
    • 10:50-12:15 Main Competition (10 contestants)
      "Namari Uta" Guest Singer Yuka Oohashi
      (Namari Uta = singing in the local dialect)
    • 12:20-12:30 Award Ceremony
  • 13:00-16:00 9th Hiranai Town Local Performing Arts Festival
    • 13:00-13:15 Opening Ceremony
    • 13:20-13:30 Yosakoi Team Kassai (よさこいチーム華彩)
    • 13:30-13:45 Matsunoki Kenmai Odori Sword Dance (松野木剣舞踊り)
    • 13:45-14:00 Atago Shrine Gongenmai Dance (愛宕神社権現舞)
    • 14:00-14:15 Special Guest Aomori Prefecture-Designated Intangible Folk Cultural Property Tohoku Town Nenbutsu Keibai Bird Dance (東北町「念仏鶏舞」)
    • 14:15-14:30 Karibasawa Gongenmai Dance (狩場沢権現舞) 
    • 14:30-14:45 Sotodoji Koma Odori Horse Dance (外童子駒踊り)
    • 14:45-15:00 Higashitaki Gongenmai Dance (東滝権現舞)
    • 15:00-15:10 Break
    • 15:10-15:25 Azukisawa Gongenmai Dance (小豆沢権現舞)
    • 15:25-15:40 Uchidoji Shishimai Lion Dance (内童子獅子舞)
    • 15:40-15:55 Higashitaki Mochitsukimai Rice Cake Making Dance (東滝餅搗き舞)
    • 15:55-16:00 Closing Ceremony
Sunday January 24
  • 9:00-12:10 "Town of Swans" Symposium
    • 9:00-9:30 Opening Events
      • Swan Knowledge Exam Certificate Awarding Ceremony
      • Photo Contest Award Ceremony
      • Volunteer Guide Introductions
    • 9:30-10:30 Keynote Lecture: "Revitalizing Nature & the Region The Lake Kasumigaura Asaza Project"
    • 10:30-10:40 Break
    • 10:40-12:10 Workshop: My "Town of Swans" Community Development Planing Envisioning Hiranai  10 Years from Now Mapping Out the Future
  • 12:00-12:50 FREE Shuriken Sentai Ninninger Live Show 
  • 13:00-13:30 Swan Call Contest
  • 13:30-14:10 Bravo Nakatani Ikasama Magic Show
  • 14:20-14:50 Tsugaru Shamisen, Hotate Taiko Drum Group 
  • 15:00-15:50 FREE Shuriken Sentai Ninninger Live Show
Secondary Venue Schedule (both days)
  • 10:00~ Free Scallop Dishes (first 500 people only)
    (Jan. 23 Baby Scallops Grilled in Butter; Jan. 24 Young Scallop Miso Soup)
  • Volunteer Guided Tours 
    • 10:00-10:30
    • 10:30-11:00
    • 11:00-11:30
    • 13:00-13:30
    • 13:30-14:00
    • 14:00-14:30 
Free Shuttle Bus (~10-15 min one way)
8:30-15:00 Kominato Station → Numadate → Asadokoro Coast
11:00-16:30   Asadokoro Coast → Numadate → Kominato Station

Former Asadokoro Elementary School, Hiranai Town  旧浅所小学校
Raidenbayashi-1-50 Fukudate (東津軽郡福伊達雷電林1-50)
Hiranai Town, Higashitsugaru District, Aomori Prefecture 039-3311

Asadokoro Coast 浅所海岸

More Information:
Hiranai Town Website (Japanese):

Thursday, 21 January 2016

Kazamaura Monkfish Festival 2016

Kazamaura Monkfish Festival 2016
風間浦鮟鱇まつり (Kazamaura Ankou Matsuri)
Kazamaura Monkfish Festival 2016 flyer Ankou Matsuri 平成28年 風間浦鮟鱇まつり チラシ

Date: Sunday February 7, 2016
Time: 11:00-14:00
Location: Shimofuro Fishery Cooperative Special Event Site (Kazamaura Village, Shimokita)
Admission: Free
  • 11:00~ Opening Ceremony, Local Product Sales
  • 11:30~ Monkfish Nabe (stew) & Sushi Sets ticket sales
    (Monkfish Nabe 300yen/bowl, 400 sets only; Monkfish Sushi 500yen/3pcs, 350 sets only)
  • 12:00~ Monkfish Butchering on Snow Demonstration
  • 12:30~ Masakari Girls 5 Mini Live Performance
  • 13:00~ Monkfish Pulling Prize Drawing (1000yen)
    (Max. 10 participants, decided by lottery if more than 10 applicants)
  • 13:30~ Hanging Monkfish Butchering Demonstration
  • 13:50~ Monkfish Pulling Prize Drawing (1000yen)
    (Max. 10 participants, decided by lottery if more than 10 applicants)
Shimofuro Fishery Cooperative Special Event Site 下風呂漁協内特設会場

More Information:
Gururin Shimokita (Japanese):
Shimofuro Onsen Village Website (Japanese):下風呂の楽しみ方/風間浦鮟鱇まつり特別イベント/

Wednesday, 20 January 2016

Towada Cherry Blossom Yabusame Exhibit in Hachinohe 2016

Towada Cherry Blossom Yabusame Exhibit in Hachinohe
十和田桜流鏑馬展 (Towada Sakura Yabusame Ten)

A special exhibit about a major spring event of Towada City, "Cherry Blossom Yabusame" (horseback archery).

Date: March 19-20, 2016
Time: 11:00-18:00
Location: Hachinohe Shopping Center Lapia, 1st Floor Festa Plaza
八戸ショッピングセンターラピア 1Fフェスタプラザ (map)
Admission: Free
  • Yabusame Photograph Display
  • Past Poster Display
  • Yabusame Competition Attire Display
  • Yabusame Event Video Showings
  • Japanese Small Item and Clothing & Accessories Display
  • Rental Attire for Photo-Taking
  • Special Event: Yabusame Competitors' Wooden Horse Rapid Fire Exhibition Contest (Planned for Sunday March 20, 14:00~)
**Wooden Horse Rapid Fire Exhibition Contest Competitors Wanted!** 
Entry Fee: 2000yen/person
Registration Deadline: Monday, March 14, 2016
Contest Information/Registration Form (Japanese/English): PDF Download

Hachinohe Shopping Center Lapia 八戸ショッピングセンターラピア
2 Chome Kōyō14-1 (八戸市江陽2丁目14−1)
Hachinohe City, Aomori 031-0801

More Information:
Towada Cherry Blossom Yabusame Exhibit Facebook Event Page:
Towada Horseback Riding Club Website (Japanese):【参加者募集】木馬速射大会(320十和田・桜流鏑/

Japanese Sword Tour in Aomori

Japanese Sword Tour in Aomori
 (Touken Tour in Aomori)
Touken Japanese Sword Tour in Aomori flyer 刀剣ツアーイン青森 田舎館村 弘前市 チラシ

Date: February 27-28, 2016
Time: February 27: 12:30-16:40, February 28: 8:30-13:45
Location: Hirosaki City & Inakadate Village, Aomori Prefecture
Cost: 9800yen (accommodations included)
(7800yen without accommodations)
Minimum/Maximum Participants: Min. 10 participants, Max. 20 participants
(In the case of more applicants than available spaces, participants will be decided by random lottery)

Saturday February 27
  • 12:30 Meet at Hirosaki Station Joto Exit (Board Bus)
  • 13:00-16:00 Katana no Iori (Swordsmith Nakahata)
    • Japanese Sword Appreciation 日本刀鑑賞
    • Sword Maintenance 手入れ体験
    • Sword Making Process 作業工程見学
    • Sword Forging 鍛造見学
  • 16:30 Return to Hirosaki Station Joto Exit
  • 16:40 Hirosaki Kokusai Hotel
  • (Various option tours available for after hotel check-in time, e.g. evening city tour, shopping tour, etc.)
Sunday February 28
  • 8:30 Hirosaki Station Joto Exit (Board Bus)
  • 8:40 Hirosaki Kokusai Hotel
  • 9:00-12:00 Hirosaki Clan Bokudenryuu School of Swordsmanship Experience
    • Post-Relocation Hirosaki Castle Tour
    • Bokudenryuu School of Swordsmanship Experience (Samurai Etiquette, Swordplay)
  • 12:30-13:30 Lunch in Central Hirosaki
  • 13:45 Farewells at Hirosaki Station Joto Exit
Registration Period:

Out-of-Prefecture-Visitor Early Registration: 
Monday January 18-Friday January 22, 2016
(Successful applicants will be notified in the evening on January 22)

Open Registration (if spaces available):Monday January 25-February 12, 2016
(Successful applicants will be notified in the evening on February 12)

Registration Method:
Phone: 0172-55-0268
Fax: 0172-55-0252 (Fax Form PDF - see sample with English below)
Japanese Sword Tour in Aomori Fax Form English Translation
Japanese Email Form: (see sample with English below)

Japanese Sword Tour in Aomori Email Registration Form English Sample

English Email Form:
Include the tour name "Touken Tour in Aomori" (刀剣ツアーin青森), number of people, their ages/genders, your address and phone number, and any other information (request for non-smoking room, no need for accommodations, etc.) in the message.

Payment Information:
Payment will be collected at the start of the tour (February 27).
Cancellation fees are as follows:
  • 21 Days or More Before Departure Date: No Charge
  • 8-20 Days Before Departure Date: 20% of Tour Cost
  • 2-7 Days Before Departure Date: 30% of Tour Cost
  • Day Before Departure Date: 40% of Tour Cost
  • Day Of  (Before Tour Starts): 50% of Tour Cost
  • After Tour Has Started/No Notification: 100% of Tour Cost
  • A tour guide will be present for all activities.
  • Some February 28th activities will take place outdoors. Please dress warmly.
  • As this is a "Monitor Tour", participants will be asked to fill out a survey regarding the tour.
  • As part of the goal of this tour is to promote tourism to Aomori, preference will be given to out-of-prefecture applicants.

Tuesday, 19 January 2016

JET Participant Disaster Experience ~ 5 Years After the Tohoku Earthquake & Tsunami ~

JET Participant Disaster Experience ~5 Years After the Tohoku Earthquake & Tsunami ~
(JET Sankasha no Shinsai Keiken ~ Higashi Nihon Daishinsai Kara Go Nen)

JET Participant Disaster Experience ~ 5 Years After the Tohoku Earthquake & Tsunami ~ flyer front JET参加者の震災経験~東日本大震災から5年~ チラシ表 JET Participant Disaster Experience ~ 5 Years After the Tohoku Earthquake & Tsunami ~ flyer back JET参加者の震災経験~東日本大震災から5年~ チラシ裏

A panel discussion JET Programme (Japan Exchange and Teaching Programme) participants who experienced the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami about their experiences during the disaster and helping with the recovery efforts afterward.

A free screening of "Live Your Dream: The Taylor Anderson Story," a documentary about a JET participant who died in the disaster, will follow the panel discussion. Jeffrey Anderson, Taylor's younger brother and current Nara Prefecture ALT will also be present at the event and share about his memories from that time.

Date: Sunday March 13, 2016
Time: 13:00-17:00
Location: Sendai Mediatheque, 1st Floor Open Square
せんだいメディアテーク 1Fオープンスクエア(map)
Admission: Free (Max. 250 People, Reservation Required)
Registration: Provide your name and contact number to the Council of Local Authorities for International Relations (CLAIR) Department of JET Programme Management Coordination Division by phone, fax, or email:
  • Phone: 03-5213-1727
  • Fax: 03-5213-1743
  • Email: 311shinsai.jet[at]gmail[dot]com
  • 13:00 Opening Ceremony
  • 13:10 Panel Discussion (Self Introductions, During the Disaster, Recovery Efforts, etc.)
  • 14:20 Question & Answer Period
  • 15:00 Film Screening "Live Your Dream: The Taylor Anderson Story"
  • 17:00 Closing Ceremony
Amanda Wayama (USA)
2009-2014 JET Programme Participant, CIR/PA (Iwate Prefecture)

Marshall Ikeda (Canada)
2010-2014 JET Programme Participant, ALT (Natori City, Miyagi Prefecture)

Kevin Hsien (Canada)
2010-2013 JET Programme Participant, CIR/PA (Fukushima Prefecture)

Reiko Kumagai (Sendai)
2007-2011 JET Supervisor

Sendai Mediatheque せんだいメディアテーク
2-1 Kasugamachi, Aoba Ward (仙台市青葉区春日町2−1)
Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture 980-0821

More Information:
The Taylor Anderson Story Official Website:
Sendai Mediatheque (Japanese/English):

Mid-Winter Festival in Cherius 2016

Mid-Winter Festival in Cherius 2016
極寒祭 in チェリウス (Gokkan-sai in Cherius)

Date: February 6-7, 2016
Time: February 6: 13:30-20:00, February 7: 10:00-14:00
Location: Nanbu Town Agriculture, Forestry & Fishing Industries Training Institute Cherius
南部町農林漁業体験実習館チェリウス (map)
Admission: Free (select paid events)

Saturday February 6
Kita no Fruit Parlor in Cherious Strawberry PickingKenshuu Jisshuu Shitsu
1000 yen/person
17:00-19:00Original Nanbu Town Nabe Stew BuffetKenshuu Jisshuu Shitsu
- Adult 1000yen
- Elementary School 
Students & Younger: 500yen
- Children Aged 3 or Younger: Free 
19:00-20:00Nanbu Enburi
(Tatami Room Performance)
Communication Room

Sunday, February 7
Winter Play AreaCheririn Mura
Ground Golf Course
Kenshuu Jisshuu Shitsu
500yen/2 slices
Dried & Pressed
Flower Making
Kenshuu Jisshuu Shitsu
Cost Varies
Depending on
What is Made
Nanbu Town/Tassha Village
Karuta Competition
1) 11:00~
2) 13:00~
Communication Room
Quiz RallyAround Cherius Grounds

Mid-Winter Festival in Cherius Special Deals:
Special Overnight Plan
  • Saturday February 6-Sunday February 7 (1 night, 2 days)
  • 2700yen/person (with breakfast 3780yen)
  • ※Dinner not included; please enjoy the "All-You-Can-Eat Nanbu Town Original Nabe event" or dinner at the restaurant
Special Hot Spa Day Trip Discount
  • Saturday February 6 & Sunday February 7 Prices:
    • Adult 340yen
    • Child 120yen
Nanbu Town Agriculture, Forestry & Fishing Industries Training Institute Cherius

Oshibutamiyama-23-141 Kaminakui 南部町大字上名久井字大渋民山23-141
Nanbu, Sannohe District, Aomori Prefecture 039-0501

More Information:
Nanbu Town Official Website (Japanese):

All-Japan Zuguri Top Spinning Championship 2016

28th Annual All-Japan Zuguri Top Spinning Championship 2016
第28回全日本ずぐり回し選手権大会 (Zen Nihon Zuguri Mawashi Senshukentaikai)

"Zuguri" is a Tsugaru-area specially top designed to spin well even on top of snow, making it a traditional toy/game that is perfect for the heavy snowfalls of Tsugaru winters. The competition is free and open to all ages and genders--no experience necessary!
Kuroishi City 28th Annual All-Japan Zuguri Mawashi Top Spinning Championship 2016 flyer 第28回全日本ずぐり回し選手権大会 黒石市 平成28年 チラシ表

Date: Saturday February 13, 2016
Time: 10:00-13:30 (Registration from 9:00)
(Depending on number of registrants, at-door registration may be allowed)
Location: Kuroishi City Yokomachi Hiroba (Plaza) 黒石市 横町広場 (map)
Fee: None (all participants will receive a free commemorative memento)
  • 9:00-10:00 Registration
  • 10:00~ Opening Ceremony
  • 10:30~ Competition Begins
  • 11:30~ Free "Yosare Nabe よされ鍋" *100 servings only*
    (chicken & vegetables simmered in your choice of 2 out of 4 different types of broth with rice udon to finish)
  • 12:50~ Closing Ceremony
  • 13:00~ Prize Drawing
Zuguri Top Size Specificiations:
Zuguri tops can be no more than 15cm in diameter. Rental zuguri are available.

Nursery/Pre-School (Senior Class) Division

Women's Division 
※It is not possible to register for both the Women's Division and the General Division

Elementary School 1st & 2nd Grader Division
Elementary School 3rd & 4th Grader Division
Elementary School 5th & 6th Grader Division
Junior & Senior High School Student Division
※If there are fewer than 3 participants in one of the divisions, the division will be merged with the next (higher) level division

⑤一般の部 A組・B組(上記①~④の部より年齢が上の方)
General Division Groups A & B (for participants older than the above 1-4 divisions)
※After registration for the General Division has closed, participants will be divided into Groups A & B by random lottery
※It is not possible to register for both the Women's Division and the General Division

Pair Division 
Pair = 1 Elementary Student (or younger) and 1 Junior High School Student (or Older)
Maximum 20 Pairs, First Come, First Served
※Since pairs compete simultaneously, it is not possible to register for multiple teams (e.g. 1 adult forming half a pair with two different elementary school students)

Grand Championship Division (1st Place Winner from Divisions 1-5)
※Nursery/Pre-School (Senior Class) Division, Women's Division, and Pair Division winners do not participate in the Grand Championship

  • ★ Nursery/Pre-School (Senior Class) and ★ Women's Division 1st-3rd Place Winners Receive Prizes on the Spot
  • ★ Nursery/Pres-School (Senior Class) Division 1st Place Winner Receive Special Extra-Large Zuguri Trophy (Tsugaru Kokeshi Craftsmen Association President's Award)
  • ⑥ Pair Division 1st-3rd Place Winners will receive Certificates, Prizes, and Special Extra-Large Zuguri Trophies
  • ①~③ Elementary, ④ Junior High, & Senior High School, and ⑤ General Division 1st Place Winners will be awarded Certificates, Prizes, and Special Extra-Large Zuguri Trophies during the ☆Grand Championship Division award ceremony; 2nd-3rd Place Winners will receive Certificates and Prizes
  • The ④ Junior & Senior High School Division 1st Place Winner will also receive a maximum 100,000yen Study Abroad Grant
Submit the registration form (see English version below for reference) to one of the following locations by Monday, February 8, 2016:
  • Kuroishi Chamber of Commerce & Industry 黒石商工会議所
    TEL 0172-52-4316 FAX 0172-53-3875
  • Kuroishi Tourist Association 黒石観光協会
    TEL 0172-52-3488 FAX 0172-53-5032
  • Kuroishi City Hall Commerce, Industry & Sightseeing Division 黒石市役所商工観光課
    TEL 0172-52-2111
  • Kuroishi Post Office 黒石郵便局
    TEL 0172-52-4213
Kuroishi All-Japan Zuguri Top Spinning Championship 2016 Registration Form 平成28年 黒石市 全日本ずぐり回し選手権大会

More Information:
Kuroishi Tourist Association (Japanese):

Monday, 18 January 2016

Towada Art Center January Temporary Closure Notice

The Towada Art Center will be closed from Monday, January 18th through to Friday, January 22nd, 2016 for maintenance of the art works. It is scheduled to re-open on Saturday, January 23rd, 2016.

Friday, 15 January 2016

Tsugaru Art Born from Winter Photo Contest

"Tsugaru Art Born from Winter" Photo Contest
「冬が生む津軽のアート」フォトコンテスト (Fuyu ga Umu Tsugaru no Art Photo Contest)

The "Tsugaru Art Born from Winter" Photo Contest is looking for photograph submissions to commemorate the first ever Winter Ricefield Art.
Tsugaru Art Born from Winter Photo Contest flyer front 冬が生む津軽アートフォトコンテスト 冬の田んぼアート記念フォトコンテスト チラシ 表Tsugaru Art Born from Winter Photo Contest flyer front 冬が生む津軽アートフォトコンテスト 冬の田んぼアート記念フォトコンテスト チラシ 裏

Contest Details:
Full Contest Information PDF File: Japanese
Contest Facebook Page (Japanese):
  • Theme: Tsugaru Art Born From Winter
    (冬が生む津軽のアート Fuyu ga Umu Tsugaru no Art)
  • Contest Judges:
    Emiko Fukuda, photographer
    Katsumi Miyakawa (3 P's LLC Representative)
    Shinji Narita (Tsugaru Photo Meeting Representative)
  • Contest Awards & Prizes
    • Grand Prize (1): 50,000yen + Certificate
    • First Prize (2): 20,000yen + Certificate
    • Second Prize (2): 10,000yen + Certificate
    • Honourable Mention (5): Prize (Tsugaru local specialty) + Certificate
  • Announcement of Contest Results: March 2016 (tentative)
    Winning contestants will be asked to provide a print copy of the photograph (A4 or 四ツ切サイズ (254x305mm)) to be displayed at the summer "rice field art" venues, etc.
  • Copyright:
    • Rights to non-winning submitted works will revert to the photographer.
    • Contest sponsors reserve the right to use the winning works royalty-free for winter tourism pamphlets, exhibits, posters, publicity purposes etc. for two years following the contest. If permission to use the works for these purposes cannot be granted, the works cannot be accepted as contest entries.
    • The contest sponsor agrees to display the photographer's name when publishing winning works on the internet.
    • The contest sponsor will only loan submitted works to third parties after explaining the purpose and conditions for use to the photographer and gaining permission in advance.
Entry Requirements/Restrictions:
  • Photos must have been taken within Hirosaki City, Kuroishi City, Hirakawa City, Nishimeya Village, Fujisaki Town, Owani Town, or Inakadate Village in Aomori Prefecture
  • Photos must have been taken during the winter (December to February) in any year. However, photographs of buildings, places, festivals, etc. that cannot be visited (no longer exist) will not be accepted. 
  • Permission of identifiable people (subjects in photos) should be obtained before submission
  • Only unpublished works should be submitted
  • Photo Size/Specifications: 
    • JPEG file digital data
    • 3500px (or more) in length OR 
    • File size of 2MB or more OR
    • Photograph taken at 8 megapixel or higher setting
  • Max. Submissions: 3 photos per person (professional or amateur)
Entry Submission/Deadline:
  • Entry Submission Email Address: fuyu.tsugaru[at]gmail[dot]com
  • Entry Submission Email Subject Title: Photograph's Title
  • Entry Submission Email Body:

    1. 撮影者氏名(ふりがな) Photographer's Full Name (and Phonetic Reading)

    2. 年齢 Age

    3. 電話番号 Phone Number

    4. 郵便番号・住所 Postal Code & Address

    5. 撮影年月日 Year/Month/Date photograph was taken

    6. 撮影場所 Location photograph was taken

    7. 美しいと感じたポイント(コメント) What you felt was beautiful/interesting about the photo (personal comment)

  • Submission Period: Tuesday December 15, 2015 - Friday February 19, 2016
    (Submitted works/photo prints cannot be returned.) 
More Information:
Contest Facebook Page:
Aomori Prefectural Goverment Website:

Oirase Gorge Winter Photography Session

Oirase Gorge Winter Photography Session
奥入瀬渓流冬景色撮影会 (Oirase Keiryuu Fuyu Keshiki Satsuei-kai)

Want to capture the beauty of Oirase Gorge in the winter? The Oirase Gorge Winter Photography session is a great chance to get advice from fellow camera enthusiasts as well as Towada-born professional photographer Mitsuhiro Wada. Beginners welcome!

Towada City Oirase Gorge Winter Photography Session flyer Oirase Keiryuu Fuyu Keshiki Satsuei-kai 十和田市 奥入瀬渓流冬景色撮影会 チラシ

Date: Sunday, January 31, 2016
Time: 8:30-14:30 (Registration from 8:00)
Seminar Instructor: Mitsuhiro Wada (Towada-born Nihon University College of Art Instructor)
Meeting Location: Ishigedo Rest Area (Oirase Gorge) 石ケ戸休憩所(奥入瀬渓流内) (map)
Cost: 3000yen (included insurance)
Registration: Maximum 20 participants
Registration Deadline: Sunday, January 24, 2016
Registration/Payment Method:
  1. Register and Pay In Person
    Location: Towada Tourism & Local Products Center (十和田市観光産物センター)
    15-3 Inaoichi, Art Station Towada (map)
    Hours: 9:00-19:00 

  2. Register By Phone/Fax/Email, Pay by Furikomi  (money transfer through ATM, etc.)
    Phone: 0176-24-3006
    Fax: 0176-24-3006
    Email: info[at]
  • 8:00-8:30 Registration (Opening Ceremony, Schedule Explanation)
  • 8:30-11:00 Taking Pictures While Walking Through Oirase Gorge
  • 11:00-12:30 Lunch, Head Over to Oirase Keiryuu-Kan 奥入瀬渓流館
  • 12:30-14:30 Seminar at Oirase Keiryuu-Kan
  • You will be walking (~5-7km) and taking photographs outside, so please dress appropriately for the weather.
  • Please prepare and bring your own lunch. If you wish to order a bento lunch (~1000yen), please inquire when registering.
  • In the case of inclement weather, the event may be cancelled.

Ishigedo Rest Area (Oirase Gorge) 石ケ戸休憩所(奥入瀬渓流内)

More Information:
The Official Portal of the City of Towada (Japanese):

Tuesday, 12 January 2016

Koarashiyama & Kuroshi Onsen Village Snow Festival Yuki no Furusato 2016

Koarashiyama & Kuroshi Onsen Village Snow Festival "Yuki no Furusato" 2016 
小嵐山・黒石温泉郷雪まつり 「雪の降さと」

(The name is a play on the words for (snow) falling ("furu"降る) and hometown ("furusato" ふるさと). Literally translated, the event title is something like "Snow Falling Hometown".)
Kuroishi Yuki no Furusato 2016 flyer front  黒石市 平成28年 雪の降るさと チラシ表Kuroishi Yuki no Furusato 2016 flyer back  黒石市 平成28年 雪の降るさと チラシ裏

Date: February 6-14, 2016
Time: 10:00-19:00
Location: Tsugaru Denshoukougeikan 津軽伝承工芸館 (map)
  • 10:00-15:00 Snow Slide (free)
    Free Sled & Tube Rentals Available
  • 10:00-15:00 Snowman World (free)
  • 10:00-15:00 Snow Tractor Ride (~5min)
    Adults 800yen; Elementary School Aged Children & Younger: 500yen
    Reservations (1 Day in Advance) Required
  • Feb. 6 Snow Festival Opening Night Event
    17:00~ Opening Ceremony
    17:20~ Live Tsugaru Shamisen Performance
    18:00~ Winter Fireworks
  • Feb. 6 & 13 17:00-19:00 "Fantastic Snowscape 1000 Candles" (free)
  • Feb. 7 10:00~ Human "Horsepower Sled" Tournament (free)
    Please sign up in teams of 3-4 people
  • Feb. 6-7, 13-14 11:00-14:00 Restaurant Momiji San Sai Vegetable Buffet
    (Feb. 6 ONLY 11:00-19:00)
    Adults 1000yen; Elementary Aged Children & Younger: 600yen
  • Etc.
Tsugaru Denshoukougeikan 津軽伝承工芸館
Tomiyama-65-1 Fukuro (黒石市袋富山65-1)
Kuroishi, Aomori Prefecture 036-0412

More Information:
Kuroishi Tourist Association (Japanese):
Koarashiyama & Kuroishi Onsen Village Invigoration Convention Facebook Page:

Towada Traditional Performing Arts Festival 2016

Towada Traditional Performing Arts Festival 2016
第26回十和田伝統芸能まつり (Towada Dentou Geinou Matsuri)

Towada Traditional Performing Arts Festival 2016 flyer front Dentou Geinou Matsuri 平成28年 十和田市伝統芸能まつり チラシ 表 Towada Traditional Performing Arts Festival 2016 flyer back Dentou Geinou Matsuri 平成28年 十和田市伝統芸能まつり チラシ 裏

Date: Sunday February 14, 2016
Time: 12:00-16:00 (Doors open at 11:30)
Location: Towada Bunka Center 十和田市民文化センター(map)
Admission: Free
  • Special Guest Performance: 
    • Komatsu Higan Shishi "lion dance" (Aizu-Wakamatsu City, Fukushima Prefecture)
  • Nanbu Kagura (Fukamochi, Horanai)
  • Nanbu Koma Odori "horse dance" (Kamidate (Kirida), Takisawa, Horanai)
  • Sawada Keimai "bird dance"
  • Hareyama Shishi Mai "lion dance" (Fukamochi)
Towada Bunka Center 十和田市民文化センター
2-1 Nishi Sanbancho (十和田市西三番町2-1)
Towada, Aomori Prefecture 034-0083

More Information:
The Official Portal of the City of Towada (Japanese):

Towada Art Center Special Exhibit Genius loci - The Higashikawa Awards

Towada Art Center Special Exhibit: January 30, 2016 (Sat.) – May 15, 2016 (Sun.)

Genius loci - The Higashikawa Awards -
(地霊 − 呼び覚まされしもの 〜写真の町東川賞コレクションより〜)

Genius loci - The Higashikawa Awards - Towada Art Center Special Exhibit flyer 地霊ー呼び覚まされしもの~写真の町東川賞コレクションより~ 十和田現代美術館 特別展 チラシ


In 1985, Higashikawa Town (Kamikawa District, Hokkaido) declared itself "The Photography Town" and started an annual summer international photography festival, the "Higashikawa International Photo Festival."Along with the festival, the Higashikawa Awards were established. For over 30 years, the Higashikawa Awards have served to recognize, collect, and exhibit the works of both domestic and international photographers. Along with the International Artist Award, Domestic Artist Award, New Artist Award, and Special Artist Award (works from Hokkaido-born artists or artists residing in Hokkaido, or Hokkaido-themed works), in 2010 the Hidano Kazuemon Award, a new award honouring the memory of Kazuemon Hidano, a Higashikawa Town photographer, was established. The works selected for this new award are uniformly excellent and will certainly form a valuable collection.

This exhibit will introduce works from the Higashikawa Awards collection selected based on the theme "Chirei - Things Awakened."  "Chirei (genius loci)" are protective spirits residing in the land. When photographers take photos of scenery or people's daily lives, they reveal the existence of the chirei--perhaps at the moment they click the camera shutter they are actually trying to call them forth. We hope you will enjoy the profound realm revealed through these works.

*Rough translation from the Japanese description on the Towada Art Center website.

Exhibited Artists

Group I: Connections Between the Living and Dead

Group II: Land and Life
  • Kazuemon Hidano (2001 Special Artist Award)

Group III: Exchanges with Spirits
  • Genichiro Kakegawa (1991 Special Artist Award)

  • Kim Young-Nam (1995 International Artist Award)

  • Claudio Edinger (1999 International Artist Award)

  • Manit Sriwanichipoom (2007 International Artist Award)

  • Makiko UI (2012 Special Artist Award)

  • Jorma Puranen (2014 International Artist Award)

Guest Curator: Kotaro Iizawa

Related Events:
  • Opening Reception オープニングレセプション
    Date: Saturday January 30, 2016
    Time: 17:00-18:30
    Admission: Special Exhibit Admission Ticket Required
    Reservations: Not Required

  • Artist Talk アーティストトーク
    Guest: Lieko Shiga
    Moderator: Kotaro Iizawa
    Date: Sunday January 31, 2016
    Time: 14:00-15:30
    Admission: Special Exhibit Admission Ticket Required (FREE for high school aged students and younger)
    Reservations:Accepted/Prioritized, Max. 50 participants

  • Portfolio Review ポートフォリオ・レビュー
    Lecturer: Kotaro Iizawa
    Date: Saturday March 12, 2016
    Time: 13:00-15:00
    Admission: 1500yen (includes 1 drink)
    Reservations: Required, Max. 12 participants
    Notes: Portfolio not required; seeing the works of others is also important! No restrictions on the number or size of portfolio pieces, but please keep the number of works limited in order to allow enough time for all participants' portfolios to be reviewed.

  • Talk Series: Talking About Ichiro Kojima
    Guest: 高橋しげみ Shigemi Takahashi, Aomori Prefectural Art Museum Curator
    Moderator: Kotaro Iizawa
    Date: Saturday April 9, 2016
    Time: 14:00-15:30
    Admission: Special Exhibit Admission Ticket Required (FREE for high school aged students and younger)
    Reservations: Accepted/Prioritized, Max. 50 participants

  • Talk Series: Initiatives of Higashikawa, Hokkaido The Photography Town
    Guest: 吉里演子 Hiroko Yoshizato, Higashikawa Town Staff Member
    Date: Saturday April 23, 2016
    Time: 10:30-12:00
    Admission: Special Exhibit Admission Ticket Required (FREE for high school aged students and younger)
    Reservations: Accepted/Prioritized, Max. 50 participants
9:00-17:00* Tuesday-Sunday (last admission 16:30)
*Extended hours May 3-4, 2016: 9:00-18:00 (last admission 17:30)*
Closed Mondays, or the following day if Monday is a National Holiday**
**Open Monday, April 25, and Monday, May 2, 2016**

Permanent Exhibit + Special Exhibit “Set” Ticket (企画展+常設展セット券) 1000yen
Special Exhibit Only (企画展の個別料金): 600yen
(Permanent Exhibit Only: 500yen)
100yen discount for groups of 20 or more

*Free admission for youth/children in high school or younger*

Towada Art Center 十和田市現代美術館  10−9 Nishinibancho
Towada, Aomori Prefecture 034-0082, Japan
+81 176-20-1127

More Information:
Towada Art Center (Japanese/English):
Genius loci Exhibit Page (Japanese):
Higashikawa International Photo Festival (Japanese/English):

Itayanagi Snow Festival 2016

"Apple Country" Itayanagi Snow Festival 2016
第29回りんごの里いたやなぎ 雪まつり (Ringo no Sato Itayanagi Yuki Matsuri)

Apple Country Itayanagi Snow Festival 2016 flyer front Ringo no Sato Itayanagi Yuki Matsuri 平成28年 第29回りんごの里いたやなぎ雪まつり チラシ表 Apple Country Itayanagi Snow Festival 2016 flyer back Ringo no Sato Itayanagi Yuki Matsuri 平成28年 第29回りんごの里いたやなぎ雪まつり チラシ裏

Date: Thursday, February 11, 2016
Time: 9:00-14:00
Location: Itayanagi Town Furusato Center Event Plaza
板柳町ふるさとセンターイベント広場 (map)
  • 9:00~ Handicraft Making Experiences, Apple Research Corner, etc.
  • 10:00~ Event Opening Ceremony
  • 10:05~ "Mikan Maki" (throwing mandarin oranges to the crowd)
  • 10:15~ "Mochitsuki" (mochi making)
  • 11:00~ Preschool Child Relay Race, "Oni Taiji" (chasing away oni (ogres))
  • 12:00~ Free "Motsuke Nabe"(pork soup)
  • 13:00~ Prize Raffle Ticket Distribution
  • 13:30~ Prize Drawing
  • Etc.
Itayanagi Town Furusato Center 板柳町ふるさとセンター
34-6 Fukunoda Motoizumi (青森県北津軽郡板柳町大字福野田本泉34-6)
Itayanagi Town, Kitatsugaru-gun, Aomori 038-3661

More Information:
Tsugaru Navi (Japanese):

Friday, 8 January 2016

Hirosaki Castle Snow Lantern Festival 2016

Hirosaki Castle Snow Lantern Festival 2016
第40回 弘前城雪燈篭まつり (Hirosaki Yuki Tourou Matsuri)
Hirosaki Castle Snow Lantern Festival Yuki Tourou Matsuri 2016 flyer 平成28年 第40回弘前城雪燈籠まつり チラシ

Date: February 11-14, 2016
Time: 9:00-21:00
Location: Hirosaki Park 弘前公園 (map)
Admission: Free
  • Snow Lanterns: ~150 lanterns throughout the park
  • Mini Kamakura (snow huts): ~300 Nishinokuruwa (西の郭 ), around the lotus pond
  • Food Stalls: ~20 Shinomaru (四の丸), 9:00*-21:00 (from 10:00 on Feb. 11)
  • Snow Lantern & Snow Sculpture "Light Up" (mini kamakura illuminated with candles), 16:30-21:00 
  • Hirosaki Castle Wall Projection Mapping: Feb. 13-14, Every 30min from 18:00-20:30
  • Winter Fireworks: Recreation Hiroba, February 12
  • Large Snow Sculpture & Projection Mapping Feb 11-13, Every 30min from 18:15-20:30
  • Etc.

Hirosaki Park 弘前公園
Shimoshiroganecho (弘前市大字下白銀町)
Hirosaki City, Aomori 036-8356

More Information:
Hirosaki Tourism and Convention Bureau:

Hirosaki Bar-Gai 2016 Vol 10

Hirosaki Bar-Gai 2016 Vol 10 弘前バル街
Hirosaki Bar-Gai 2016 Vol 10 弘前バル街 flyer チラシ

Date: Saturday, February 6, 2016
Time: 14:00-24:00
Location: Various (Hirosaki City, Aomori)
  • 17:00~ Opening Ceremony (かだれ横丁前 In front of Kadare Yokocho (map)) 
  • 18:00~ Performances 
    •  かだれ横丁 Kadare Yokocho (map)
    • フォーク酒BARてふてふ Folk Saka Bar Chou Chou (map)
    • レストラン山崎 Restaurant Yamazaki (map)
  • 18:00~ Ice Bar  (かだれ横丁前 In front of Kadare Yokocho (map)) 
Admission: Free (discounted tickets for food/drink purchase available)
Tickets: 1 book = 3500yen value (700yen x 5 tickets)
   Advance Purchase: 2500yen; Day-Of: 3000yen
Ticket Use Terms/Conditions:
  • No change (for tickets) will be given.
  • A maximum of 1 book (5 tickets) can be used at a single establishment
  • A maximum of 1 ticket (700yen value) may be used to pay for taxi fare during the Bar-Gai event
  • Leftover tickets may be used at participating locations up to February 11, 2016
Ticket Purchase Locations:
Advance Purchase:
  • 弘前バル街参加各店 Bar-Gai Participating Establishments
  • 弘南鉄道弘前駅 Konan Tetsudo Hirosaki Station (map)
  • 中央弘前駅 Chuo Hirosaki Station (map)
  • 弘前市立観光館 Hirosaki Kankokan (map)
  • 弘前市まちなか情報センター Hirosaki Machinaka Jouhou Center (map)
  • ホテルナクアシティ弘前 Hotel Naqua City Hirosaki (map)
  • cafe bar aj (map)
Day-Of Purchase: 
  • 弘前バル街本部(かだれ横丁) Hirosaki Bar-Gai Headquarters (Kadare Yokocho) (map)
  • 弘前市まちなか情報センター Hirosaki Machinaka Jouhou Center (map)
  • レストラン山崎 Restaurant Yamazaki (map)
2-1 Hyakkokumachi (弘前市百石町2-1)
Hirosaki, Aomori Prefecture 036-8035

More Information:
Hirosaki Bar-Gai Facebook Page: 

Hachinohe Enburi 2016

Hachinohe Enburi 2016 平成28年八戸えんぶり

Hachinohe Enburi Parade 八戸えんぶり行列

Hachinohe Enburi is a local traditional festival for ushering in the spring and praying for a good harvest for the upcoming year. Groups of dancers and musicians parade through the city, many wearing tall eboshi hats symbolically designed to resemble the shape of a horse's neck since horse's were vital for farm work. (Photo & Information Source: aptinet Aomori Sightseeing Guide)

Date: February 17-20
Admission: Free (*some events require admission fees)
Location: Various (Hachinohe City, Aomori)

Wednesday February 17, 2016

Choujasan Shinra Jinja (Shrine)
Enburi Photo Shoot
(Road Closures
Enburi Parade

Simultaneous Performances
鍛冶町 Kajicho (start)

十三日町 Jusannichimachi
三日町 Mikkamachi
六日町 Muikamachi
ヤグラ横丁 Yagura Yokocho
Gozen Enburi
八戸市庁前 市民広場
Shimin Hiroba (in front of Hachinohe City Hall)
Enburi Performances

(Advance Tickets: 900yen*
At-Door: 1000yen)
Hachinohe Kokaido
(1) 16:00-17:00
(2) 18:00-19:00
(3) 20:00-21:00
Garden Enburi

(Advance Tickets: 2100yen**)
(1) 18:00~
(2) 19:00~
(3) 20:00~
Bonfire Enburi
八戸市庁前 市民広場
Shimin Hiroba (in front of Hachinohe City Hall)

Thursday February 18, 2016

Enburi Photo Shoot
Hachinohe Shiseki Nejou no Hiroba
Enburi Performances

(Advance Tickets: 900yen*
At-Door: 1000yen)
Hachinohe Kokaido
(1) 16:00-17:00
(2) 18:00-19:00
(3) 20:00-21:00
Garden Enburi

(Advance Tickets: 2100yen**)
Bonfire Enburi
八戸市庁前 市民広場
Shimin Hiroba (in front of Hachinohe City Hall)
19:30~かがり火えんぶり 5組一斉摺り
Bonfire Enburi 5 Group Simultaneous Performance

Friday February 19, 2016

Enburi Photo Shoot
Hachinohe Shiseki Nejou no Hiroba
(1) 13:00
(2) 14:00
Enburi Public Performances
八戸市庁前 市民広場
Shimin Hiroba (in front of Hachinohe City Hall)
(1) 16:00-17:00
(2) 18:00-19:00
(3) 20:00-21:00
Garden Enburi

(Advance Tickets: 2100yen**)
(1) 18:00~
(2) 19:00~
(3) 20:00~
Bonfire Enburi
八戸市庁前 市民広場
Shimin Hiroba (in front of Hachinohe City Hall)

Saturday February 20, 2016

(1) 13:00
(2) 14:00
Enburi Public Performances
八戸市庁前 市民広場
Shimin Hiroba (in front of Hachinohe City Hall)
(1) 16:00-17:00
(2) 18:00-19:00
(3) 20:00-21:00
Garden Enburi

(Advance Tickets: 2100yen**)
(1) 18:00~
(2) 19:00~
(3) 20:00~
Bonfire Enburi
八戸市庁前 市民広場
Shimin Hiroba (in front of Hachinohe City Hall)

*Enburi Performance Advance Ticket Sales Information:
Cost: 900yen
Sale Period: January 13-February 16, 2016
Ticket Sales Locations:
**Garden Enburi Advance Ticket Sales Information:
Cost: 2100yen (comes with Senbei Jiru & Amazake)
Sale Period: January 13, 9:00~ (Weekdays only)
Ticket Sales Location: (phone and in-person sales only)
Hachinohe Tourism & Convention Association (Uchimaru)
Address: Suidou Kigyoudan Uchimaru Chousha 2nd Flr 1-1-2 Uchimaru, Hachinohe City, Aomori
八戸市内丸1-1-2 水道企業団内丸庁舎2F
Phone: 0178-41-1661

[UPDATE: Garden Enburi Ticket Availability as of Feb. 10, 2016]

Wednesday February 17, 2016
① 16:00~ Few Remaining
② 18:00~ SOLD OUT
③ 20:00~ Few Remaining

Thursday February 18, 2016
① 16:00~ Few Remaining
② 18:00~ SOLD OUT
③ 20:00~ Few Remaining

Friday February 19, 2016
① 16:00~ Few Remaining
② 18:00~ SOLD OUT
③ 20:00~ SOLD OUT

Saturday February 20, 2016
① 16:00~ SOLD OUT
② 18:00~ SOLD OUT
③ 20:00~ SOLD OUT

More Information:
aptinet Aomori Sightseeing Guide (English):
Hachinohe Tourism and Convention Website (Japanese):

Wednesday, 6 January 2016

Kuroishi Jankara Yoi Yoi Sake Festival 2016

Kuroishi Jankara Yoi Yoi Sake Festival 2016
第10回 黒石じゃんから宵酔酒まつり

Visit 4 designated local drinking establishments and enjoy one drink (choice of beer, shochu, sake, whiskey, or soda/juice) and complimentary snack/appetizer at each location to complete your stamp card for entry to a prize drawing!

10th Kuroishi Jankara Yoi Yoi Sake Festival 2016 poster 第10回黒石じゃんから宵酔酒まつり ポスター

Date: Saturday, February 20, 2016
  • Registration: 17:30-18:45
  • Start: 18:30
  • Prize Drawing: 19:15-20:45 (drawn in completion order)
Registration:& Prize Drawing Location: Kuroishi Sangyou Kaikan 1st Floor Lobby 黒石市産業会館1階ロビー (map)
Festival Location: Yosare Yokocho Area よされ横丁界隈 (map)
Fee: 3000yen (advance ticket purchase required, sales start January 18)
  • PlayStation 4
  • Blu-Ray Recorder
  • Cyclone Vacuum Cleaner
  • Air Humidifier/Purifier
  • Non-Oil Fryer
  • Raycop Futon Cleaner
  • Foldable Bicycle
  • and more!

Kuroishi Sangyou Kaikan 黒石市産業会館
Ichinomachi 5-2 (黒石市市ノ町5-2)
Kuroishi, Aomori 036-0307

More Information:
Kuroishi Tourist Association Website (Japanese):